DeFi / Running App

BeFaster is a fitness app that offers also the benefits of the crypto/blockchain world

Company Overview is a company founded by three exceptional entrepreneurs and headquartered in Malta and Germany. It is one of the first crypto startups having all their tokens licensed. Their mission is to make the people healthier by movement and making that profitable and fun at the same time. team have invested 5 years into that project and is determined to achieve all its goals.

Project Elements is multi-layered project involving several technologies.

Mobile Apps

iOS and Android mobile apps for the end users – the runners. They are developed natively for each platform and utilize several 3rd party APIs as well.

Smart Contracts

Complex tree of smart contracts covering running challenges, tokens, staking, reward distribution, liquidity pools and much more. 

Web Dapps

Web apps for DeFi services such as staking, LP management, NFTs and more


APIs which are the backbone of the running app. Developed with scalable solutions and micro-service architecture.

Cloud & DevOps

Auto-scaling cloud setup with automated pipelines, letting the project to support without any problems from 20 to 20 million users.

Key Requirements

Some key requirements which we design and implemented



If you’re considering any of our solutions or just want more information, simply fill out the form and we’ll be in touch.